Friday, March 15, 2013

How He Will Make Me Look Bad

First and foremost, he will treat you, and your family and friends with respect and curtesy. He will protect you like Kitty protects Boo. Then he will take you to the altar of marital bliss, to put a ring on your finger and make you his. That way he will have that peace of mind when he is out there minding his own business: he will know he can always come home to his sweetheart he vows to love through sickness and health.

With that peace of mind, of course as a man, he will have his own pursuits but he knows what truly matters. No matter how busy he is he will make sweet sweet love to you, whispering in your ears how lucky he feels, which is a lot easier because you two are already living together. Yet he will still write you love letters every now and then, even if you two are already living together. And you will never complain having too little of him especially because you two are already living together.

He will derive pleasure from his career, but even more pleasure when he takes you to the roof of the world, to get altitude sickness and short of breath together, or when he goes with you to Europe to see white people that still look nice when they are rude, or when he goes on African safaris with you, to dance with cannibals, and track down prairie dogs and wild bunnies for dinner.

He may sometimes feel confused about you, but he will never raise his voice with you, because he is mature enough to know that shouting won't dispel that confusion. Even when he feels wronged by you he won't say anything to hurt you. Because he loves you more than he loves his pride. Instead, he will endeavor to solve the mysteries of you, the way he peals an onion: he will be patiently peeling one layer at a time, and sometimes he cries.

He will listen to your life and he will share with you his. He may not be so much of a talker but he will definitely be a listener, making mental notes of every single detail that goes out of your mouth. He will remember what you said because of your cute bitchy voice: he is going to remember your birthday and your first working day, your favorite Tsingtao beer and your favorite movies - or some handsome actors therein.

Damn, he is going to treat you so well that he will make me look bad. The birthday card you made for me becomes a painful reminder of how I dug my own way to hell: Every day I'm zombie walking cos' I'm already dead inside. Our homeland has been torn in half, like the morning after a tornado sleeps with a volcano. Everything is being rebuilt, but it's a work-in-process that't been indefinitely paused. Our relationship weathered thunderstorms after thunderstorms, but frustratingly, the learning curve never seems to end. Every time I promised it would be the last time, even though we both knew it was a lie. I harvested what I sowed: being alone, again, on a Valentine's Day.

He is the future me.

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