Saturday, March 3, 2012

What Didn't Kill Him Made Him A Porn Star

It was 3:45 a.m. on a dark night in a combat zone in Helmand province, Afghanistan. While stooped down in the foxhole he had just dug, the 21-year-old lance corporal found himself weeping. His head was still whirling from his comrades' kicking, ostensibly to keep him awake. He loathed them all for all the taunting and tormenting. Yet he loathed himself more: how for God's sake could he fall asleep while on duty – and got caught again? He muttered to himself in Cantonese, a language he spoke at home sweet home more than 7,700 miles away. He thought of his mom's warm noodles and then the whole shebang he got himself into. An idea struck him. That idea was so brilliant, powerful and liberating that he stopped shedding tears – he was too tired to anyway. He managed to retrieve his pen in his pocket, which he used to write letters home, and scribble down something on his left forearm. Then he placed the muzzle of a machine gun in his mouth and ended his tour of duty for good.

Harry Lew the loser

The suicide of Harry Lew, the Chinese American young man who joined the U.S. Marines to “serve his country”, is only one example of Asian plights in Western militaries. Asian soldiers are frequently singled out and over-punished for the slightest mistakes. In the case of Harry Lew, besides racially slurring him, his fellow platoon members kicked him in the head when he fell asleep on duty watch, ordered him to do extreme physical exercises, stomped on his back when he was too fatigued to perform push-ups in perfect form. They even poured sands on his face, and at one point sands got into Harry's mouth he started coughing. All of this was consented and emboldened by a sergeant's announcement that “peers should correct peers”, which was in line with the party line that “problems should be corrected at the lowest level”.

From prisoner abuse at Guantanamo Bay back in 2004 to the most recent incident of U.S. Troops urinating on dead Taliban soldiers in 2012, and with a few hazing-induced minority suicides - the aforementioned Harry Lew, Brushaun Anderson and Danny Chen, just to name a few notables - in between, the American military seemed to be replete with barbaric thugs. However, this article is not about racism or human rights records of the land of the free. It is about survival of the fittest in its purest form.

The military is but one microcosm of the dog-eat-dog human society. People get chewed up and spit out all the time. Weak ones, mentally or physically, get weaker the more hardship they go through until they can't take it any more. Strong ones get crushed too, but they are able to bounce right back up like Viagra. Speaking of which, ladies and gentlemen, let me proudly introduce Mr Keni Styles.
Keni Styles the Champ

Keni Styles was born to a prostitute in Thailand. Shortly after he was born, his mother married an Englishman and took him to London with her, only to abandon him later at an orphanage. All his childhood, Keni went through one orphanage after another. As the only Asian boy in those orphanages, Keni got lots of cruel jokes about his eyes, his skin and above all, his penis size. “Even though nobody had ever seen it.” This experience left a dent on little Keni's self-esteem, leading him to believe that “Asian guys were not meant to be stallions in the bedroom”. With lack of experience and a low self-esteem, Keni Styles confessed that he could hardly last for 2 minutes when he first started fooling around with girls.

In his late teens, out of absolute necessity rather than blind patriotism, Keni joined the British Army, where he endured the worst part of his life – the boot camp. Like Harry Lew, Keni Styles was the only Asian in the platoon. The small dick jokes started fast. Everybody picked on him, but the main villain was the drill sergeant, who, according to Keni Styles, “was the meanest son of a bitch I have met in my entire life”. Bravo for Keni for using the term “son of a bitch” without reservation.

While the drill sergeant was ruthless to every private, he had his favorite, surprise!, Keni Styles. Again like Harry Lew, Keni Styles was singled out by the drill sergeant who decided early in the training that every day should be started off by ordering Private Small Dick to do “Intensive Training” in which the private becomes the puppet of the sergeant, doing whatever exercises the sergeant yells out in rapid orders: “Push-up! Burpees! High-knees! Sit-ups! Squats! Sprints!” This keeps up until the sergeant thinks it's enough – until the private pukes. On the first day of doing intensive training, Keni could barely last for 5 minutes before he vomited his breakfast. On the second day, Keni had a very small breakfast with little liquid. But that didn't help. Six to seven minutes into the intensive training he began to violently dry heaving. Day 3 was just as terrible, and “Better luck tomorrow” was the only encouragement he got. Remember, after the intensive training, the day had just begun. Keni Styles still needed to do other training with the rest of platoon.

Early in the morning of Day 4, Keni Styles decided to something about the imminent toil. He began breathing exercises that prepared him psychologically. Like Kung Fu masters in Wuxia (Chinese Martial Arts) classics who have an epiphany while performing routine chores and invent the greatest Kung Fu style ever, Keni Styles learned his Kung Fu in intensive training at the boot camp. When he was called to attention, Keni was ready for hell. He breathed intentionally and told himself, it was okay if his body gave up, but mentally he “would not let this cock sucker win”.

“Push-ups! Burpees! High-knees! Sit-ups! Squats! Sprints!” a few minutes into the intensive training, Keni Styles felt his stomach churning again and his heart was almost pounding out of his throat. His lungs felt as though they were on fire, and Keni was about to throw up again. But he just kept going and going and going. Soon, the urge to vomit disappeared. And this was when the sergeant said, “Okay, private, go back up and get in line!” Private Small Dick 1, Cock Sucker 0.

From that day on Keni Styles applied his breathing and concentration techniques, and each day became easier than the last. When the drill sergeant found that he couldn't break Keni Styles any more, he moved on to find his next victim.

When Keni Styles got out of the British Army 7 years later, he applied his body control techniques he invented and honed during those crazy workouts to the bedroom, and not only solved his premature ejaculation problem, but went on to achieve a “superman stamina” that drove women through endless peaks and valleys. He was so amazing, that when he first auditioned for adult films, directors were immediately impressed. Keni Styles later became “the only European straight male porn star of Asian origin”, meaning this Asian brother, and only this Asian brother, performs with European actresses in his films, and meanwhile wins multiple awards.

Hardships either make you or break you. You have a choice.

Keni Styles with his colleagues 

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